· Benjamin Božič  · 3 min read

The story behind the Flowerpad: From a Farewell Gift to a finished product

Delve into the origins and development process behind the Flowerpad

Delve into the origins and development process behind the Flowerpad

Innovation often springs from the most heartfelt desires. In the case of the Flowerpad, the genesis was not a business initiative, but the simple intention to create a thoughtful, unique, and functional farewell gift for two colleagues.

Having previously dabbled in 3D printing and hand-wiring of macropads and split keyboards, the idea of creating another standard rectangular macropad seemed prosaic. Inspired by the recipients’ love for flowers, the idea of a flower-shaped pad began to germinate. However, translating this concept into reality proved to be a challenge, given my limited knowledge in 3D modelling.

The project encountered an unexpected hiatus after a personal relationship ended, stalling the initial 3D design process. I was back to square one until my brother stepped in, breathing life into the sketches I had made and creating an executiable 3D model.

Handwired inside of a Flowerpad

Several rounds of refinements later, I had a design I was content with. Assisting its functionality was a customized QMK firmware, replete with six operational layers aimed at general usage, excel, word, multimedia, a ‘troll’ layer echoing our common phrases, and a layer switching function.

Post gifting, due to the time-intensive process, the project was put on hold. It was not until a year later when I left full-time employment to focus on my own enterprise that I could revisit the Flowerpad. This time around, I got the opportunity to learn 3D modelling basics using a Shaper3D license, allowing me to quickly finalize the case design.

First two Flowerpads ever

Further immersing myself in the mechanical intricacies, I learnt KiCad to create a custom PCB. The process entailed overcoming space constraints, that required a 90 degrees rotation of the hotswap socket and offsetting the microcontroller by 0.5mm. Despite initial PCB prototypes being larger than planned, with diligent redesigning efforts, I managed to create a much sleeker version.

The final significant change was switching the Pro micro for a more efficient rp2040 based controller. The firmware needed some tweaking too, but with the kind help and feedback of the QMK team, I successfully forked the QMK firmware and prepared a PR. A quick acceptance of my submission to Via followed the QMK PR merger.

With a mix of resilience, creativity, and technical flair, the Flowerpad was thus conceived. This journey highlights how a personal endeavor can seamlessly meld functionality and aesthetics, effectively transforming the landscape of the mechanical keyboard world and setting new expectations for what a personal, functional gift can truly be.

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